

 Années 20, dans les Landes. Liéna, 35 ans, hérite à la mort de son mari de ses vastes propriétés au coeur d’une forêt industrielle et de son drôle de rêve : l’électricité partout sur ses terres. Elle veut à tout prix faire de ce rêve électrique une réalité. Sauf que personne n’en veut, ni son milieu, ni les syndicats. Alors elle se bat, s’entête… mais comprend qu’il existe d’autres batailles à livrer... Quand le destin d’une femme libre rencontre le destin d’un pays...

1920s in Les Landes. A huge industrial forest. A social crisis on the horizon. For 35-year-old Liena, it's time to get serious. When her eccentric husband passes away, she suddenly inherits his entire estate and his outlandish dream of equipping his land with electricity. Liena is determined to make this "electric dream" come true, no matter what the cost. But no one else wants it: neither her own people nor the unions. She digs in for the fight but finds out she's wrong, and ends up looking squarely at her homeland. In the end, she manages to connect with the modernity inside her and senses the presence of an entirely different dream: a different social order as well as a different emotional order, beyond the suffocating reality of her environment.

French version with English subtitles

Spanish (Latin America ) subtitles and Brazilian subtitles

Directed by Franbçois-Xavier VIVES
